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My Intimate Dance with Yoga and Mindfulness


Thirteen years ago I walked into a Bikram Yoga Studio. I was unimpressed with the idea of doing the same sequence of yoga poses over and over again. I remember it as if it happened today. I took a few steps towards the door thinking " I will start this tomorrow". At the same time I thought to put the class off; I felt a slight pain in my left knee from the tear in my meniscus.  I was an avid runner who was totally unaware of the intrinisic strength, courage and discipline needed for a yoga practice. At the end of the 90 minute class, I was literally exhausted. That night I reflected on my self, my relationships and my life more than I ever had. I started running less and practicing yoga more. At the time I was working on Capitol Hill. I remember being in the midst of meetings (important meetings) and thinking about yoga, the heat, the hard work, the peeling away of shame and past memories and wanting my work day  to be over so I could get to class.  Fortunatley Elizabeth Glover, the owner of Capitol Hill Hot Yoga (formley known as Bikram Yoga Capitol Hill) was opening a studio close by. For years, I practiced at Capitol Hill 6 to 7 days a week-nonstop. With every class I realized I was slightly different which made the world and the people around me appear to be different. I became more aware, more sensitive, more forgiving of myself and others, more grateful, less competitive and more inclusive. In late 2012, I was laid off my government job and decided to go to the ten week Bikram Yoga training in Los Angelas, CA. I wasn't that crazy about training but every experience was necessary. Bikram's training produces excellent teachers. I have the privilege of being friends with many of them. Since training, I've taught thousands of classes and EVERY time, I give it all I got knowing first hand the power of yoga and the strength needed to keep coming back to the mat. Yoga, has survived  my marraige, my career in government, my home, relationships, the lives of family members, my ego and my fears. Yoga continues to embrace me. I love my yoga pratice more than ever. It makes everything in my life better. It is one of my best investments. I intend for my intimate dance with yoga to be lifelong. I know it will change with the rhythms of life but I am not worried or fearful of change or future occurences anymore. Here I stand in the present moment, fully aware, mindful, strong and alive. I participate in my life-one breath at a time and invite you to do the same in your life.  

Tell me about your intimate dance?

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