Women's Wellness and Manifestation Retreat
Double Occupancy $820.00 per person
Women's Wellness and Manifestation Retreat
Single Occupancy $960 per person
Round trip transportation $150.00 per person
Being born in the feminine energy extends to the woman Unbridled Power. This power is often diminished by day-to-day tasks and relationships.
Sometimes the feminine disappears under the weight of it all and the greatness of her being is never fully realized.
This Women's Wellness and Manifestation Retreat will ignite that inner power by refueling your mind, body and soul. It will support you in discovering ways to stay softly ignited in the busyness of the day and mindfully present.
To the women of the past, present and future, it is my life's pleasure to be on this journey with you.
The weekend retreat includes:
a sound bath
a cave meditation
2 nourishing vegetarian brunches
2 nourishing vegetarian dinners
2 pre-yoga morning snacks
3 yoga classes
1 Clarity call with certified wellness coach
For an additional cost ($150.00 roundtrip) we are providing transportation to and from Casa Om Potomac for up to 6 individuals. Pick up and drop off will be on 4th and H Street WDC (Giant Parking Lot.)

The Whole Package- $ 185.
This package includes the book, journal, Cocktails, and Conversations, three engaging virtual book discussions, weekly text messages, and Dresses and Dreams. Please see the program dates to the right.
Cocktails and Conversations plus virtual sessions ($125)
This package includes Cocktails and Conversations, the book, journal, three engaging virtual book discussions and weekly text messages.
Please see the program dates to the right.
Dresses and Dreams plus virtual sessions ($125.00)
This package includes Dresses and Dreams, the book, a journal, three engaging virtual book discussions and weekly text messages.
Please see the program dates to the right.
Three Virtual Sessions ($65)
This package includes the book and three engaging discussions.
Cocktails and Conversations $65
This is where it all begins, the start of a sisterhood circle. Here we step into the truth, " I am Enough".
Together, we listen to Marianne Williamson's, Woman's Worth, Introduction of Queens. Engage in conversation and journaling. This exclusive event includes Woman's Worth book, a journal, cocktails, light fare, and movement exploration.
Dresses and Dreams $65
This exclusive and private outing is the culmination of the program. Women are invited to bridge the gap between who they are and who they desire to be by stepping into a real-life experience of dresses and dreams.
Meal and drink included.
Greetings and Welcome.
A Woman's Worth has been in the making for years. The principles, practices and philosophy I plan to share with you have all brought me to the space I now stand and breathe in. They empower me in this life and will lovingly usher me into the next.
This is a hybrid program. Three sessions are virtual. Two events are in person.
The program is being offered in tiers for those unable to attend all five dates.
You will receive an e-mail from me personally within a few days of making your financial investment.
Program Dates:
Friday, July 8th 5pm-8pm- Cocktails and Conversations- Private Location in Brandywine, MD
Thursday, July 21st 7pm-8:30pm Virtual
Thursday, July 28th 7pm-8:30pm Virtual
Thursday, August 4th, 7pm-8:30pm Virtual
Friday, August 12th 6pm-9pm Dress and Dreams Private Location

Have you ever desired an honest, eye-opening, value added conversation in a supportive environment between men and women?
Conversations Between Men and Women is JUST that.
From 6pm to 6:45pm, we'll enjoy tasty, nourishing cuisine with wine. Varying mixed drinks for $5.00 are available as well. Dessert is also included. Nice music will be played in the background as we mingle and get to know each other.
The conversation (s) starts start at 7:00pm and will be supported by a professional facilitator. Feel free to come with a question or topic of discussion.
Seats are limited.
Get your ticket now.
Tickets are $28.00 per person

This 4 hour workshop is for OUR young girls ages 12 to 16.
It is created to cultivate resilience, self-esteem, self-confidence, a knowing of oneself, and the POWER of self-care, thoughts and actions.
$60.00 -Full Day 1pm-5pm SOLD OUT!
$35.00-Half Day 3pm- 5pm. Includes Panel discussion, Tribute Dance and Drums, Close out Meditation.
Donations of any amount are welcomed and appreciated.

Creative Writing Event
August 10, 2016- August 26, 2016
Putting words on paper is powerful. Every child and youth have power . I believe in you. What you have to say is valuable and important.
Ms. LaShone
Children and Youth between the ages of 7 and 15 are encouraged to write an essay on: How yoga, mindfulness and or healthy living can make the world a better place. Here are the details. You must choose a pen name or alias name. Describe in 3 to 5 sentences in the first paragraph why you choose that pen or alias name. Not including the first paragraph about your pen or alias name, you should use 350 to 600 words for your essay. Your ages will be put in categories; 7-10, 11-12 and 13-15. The winner of each age category will receive $200.00.Hopefully the money will help you get ready for a successful school year. Your age should be noted at the end of your essay. Ask your parent/guardian to e-mail the essay to lashone.wilson@yahoo.com. Your essay must be submitted no later than Friday, August 26, 2016 at 5pm.
Have fun with this and be sure to take slow deep breaths as you write.

Enchanted Children's Afternoon of Face Painting, Henna and Yoga.
July, 24 2016.
One Breath at a Time is hosting an enchanting afternoon of face painting, henna and children's yoga at the Hot Yoga Capitol Hill studio located at 410 H Street NE WDC 20002 from 1pm to 3pm. Learn more about Hot Yoga Capitol Hill at http://hotyogacapitolhill.com
With a few strokes of Hasna's brush, your child/children will be transformed into whomever he/she wants to be while being able to express the character's energy in and through mindful movement/yoga poses. What a perfect combination!
Face Painting & Henna will be from 1pm-2:15pm. The children's yoga class will start immediately
afterwards. Email LaShone at lashone.wilson@yahoo.com to register. The cost is $18.00 per child. A sliding scale is offered to families unable to pay the full cost.